Milky by Harley Mareikura-Gray
This is Milky. She likes grass when she feels sick. She likes birds, mice, milk and sleeping.
Milky is a playful cat. She likes her toys and her mouse. Hey, look Sea Turtle.
This is Milky’s slowest friend Turtle, he lives in the sea.
Milky tells a joke “hey Turtle, why did the Turtle cross the road?”
Turtle doesn’t know. Milky says slowly “eeyyee donn’t knooow wwhyy to get to the Shell Station hahaha!” Funny, right.
“Uh hey Milky. Yeah is that your food?”
“No, I would never eat Pop.”
“Hi Mr. Pop”
“Hi Milky, how are you?
“Good thank you.”
“Well that’s me, Milky.”